The importance of Soil
Soil supports all life on earth.
It has huge potential to sequester and store atmospheric carbon.
The amount of carbon in the soil is directly linked to the SOM (Soil Organic Matter) content.
If we increase soil organic matter we are increasing carbon levels in the soil.
In UK farmland organic matter levels have been falling due to poor farming practices.
This trend urgently needs to be reversed.
Gently managed soils will:
Grow healthier crops which leads to healthier food and healthier people
Form the basis of a climate resilient food system
Increase biodiversity of soil ecosystems which supports above ground diversity
Have higher quality landscapes to improve the well being of society
Reduce flood risk and improve water quality
Sequester and store atmospheric carbon
Three generations of regenerative farmers
We have been farming in South Lincolnshire for four generations. 16 years ago we were one of the first farms in the UK to transition fully to a regenerative farming system. We farm 800 hectares with 750 in food production growing a range of different cereal, perennial and break crops.

Thomas Gent - Gentle Farming
Climate Change Champions

Digging for innovation prize winner
Royal Agricultural College
Thomas Gent - Gentle Farming

Gentle Farming
Founder member

Thomas Gent -
Agreena Ambassador

Proud member of Grffn - Supporting research into food nutrient density
Join our next farm tour
Oakley Farm, Wisbech PE13 5LW
Each month we welcome visitors onto the farm looking to learn more about regenerative farming, soils and food production.
Come and join our next farm tour.

Express an interest in the form below

Thomas Gent - Gentle Farming
Carbon Farmer of the year Finalist

Gentle Farming - Natural Capital valuation case study farm

Twice featured on BBC Country File

Gentle Farming - Regenerative accelerator program selected venture